Web Scoring
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This page is incomplete -- it is just here for discussion -- please provide your input

Final web page should be submitted by Mark to Mike after Committee discussion

Here's some possible changes to the scoring sheet. We need to come up with a better way to judge links. The links could be good but just not download at Judging time. (i.e.. Router down, Server down, etc.) We can't penalise
teams for these problems.
Overall Site:
Creativeness:  -- Marks -- 1/2/3/4/5 ok
Does the page show some creative uses of tables, placement of graphics, placement of links, etc...
Uniqueness: -- Marks 1/2/3/4/5 Ok
Does the page have contain unique content, which differentiates it from
other pages.

Ex. Not page that says the following:  Hi my name is Bob. I like my cat. My favourite colour is blue. The End. Or makes an otherwise boring subject more interesting throughout ingenious use of graphics, fonts
Theme of the Site: -- Marks 1/2/3/4/5 Ok
Do the Backgrounds, Pictures, Background Music, etc... meet the overall theme of the site.

Ex. Good: Beethoven background music on a site about him.
Bad: Rock music background on a site about Beethoven.

Technical Evaluation -- Marks 0/5
Do all images load? (Sometimes no matter how good a persons page may be images may not load or they may have not even included the proper image)

From a sheet of a description (supplied by contestant, they also need to indicate what browser
*** Page must be IE 4.01 or Navigator 4.04 Compatible
*** should be used to view the page) of what the page was supposed to do (ex. JavaScript scrolling text in status bar, or some background music) did they perform has noted?

Marks:-  0/1/2/3/4/5

Randomly test 5 links to see if it works. One point for each working link.
***** This could cause problems if the link's host server is down or some
router along the way. We need to develop a better way to judge links. *****

Marks -- 0/1/2/3/4/5
Does the page appeal to the eyes? Marks 0/5

ex. White text on a neon yellow background a "nono")
Organisation:- Marks 0/1/2/3/4/5
Does the page appear organised, ordered, and easy to navigate? (ex. Links all over the place with no set order, or graphics without a caption near it etc...)
Above and Beyond:- Marks 0/10
Does the page use advanced items such as forms, frames, or maps? Is the browser Cross Compatible? (Does it look good and work in both Netscape and IE? Etc. If you answer yes to either question award points.

Total score out of 50 points

Last Modified:- 1999, February 11, 02:49 PM by M. Smith